Privacy Statement

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Privacy Statement from the High Sheriffs’ Association (the HSA)                       

1.As Controllers the HSA holds information about members of the HSA which in most cases is the information each member supplied to the HSA when that person became a member of the HSA and paid the subscription and comprises the following:

Name, Address, Phone Number, Email Address, Bank and Direct Debit details, Religious Affiliation, Date of Birth, Year of Office, Profession/Business, Spouse/Partner’s name.

2.That information is carefully secured as data on a database held by Hall-McCartney Ltd who act as secretariat to the HSA and are the Processors of the data. The data will be available to its staff and members of the Council of the HSA and to those who are organizing any event to which they wish to invite the member. It will not otherwise be shared with any other party. The data will be held for the purposes mentioned below until the member ceases to be a member of the HSA.

3.The HSA uses or processes that data only for the following:

– to send members communications and information of interest as necessary, including The High Sheriff magazine and any Papers prepared by the HSA such as those relating to Parliamentary Elections and Proclamations

– for the sending of invitations to events including the HSA Annual General Meetings, Seminars, Receptions and Regional Meetings

– to send members goods they have ordered

– to ask for subscriptions from members in return for which members expect to receive the items above

4.Members’ Rights:

(a) A member can ask for a copy of any data the HSA holds about that member

(b) A member can ask for that data to be amended or removed and

(c) A member can ask the HSA to restrict the processing of that member’s data.

A member can contact the HSA by writing to the Hon. Secretary at Heritage House, 12 Football Close, Baldock, Hertfordshire SG7 5AH or by email to

  1. The law allows the HSA to process members’ data if it is in its “legitimate interest” to do so. The HSA considers that it has a legitimate interest in ensuring that members receive from the HSA the items mentioned in this Privacy Policy.

January 2020