Author: David Lewis

Leicestershire 2018/2019 County News

12 April 2019 – High Sheriff’s Handover Ceremony, The Grand Hall, St Martin’s House, Leicester It was hard to believe that it was a year since taking office!  The same room, with many of the same people, was a fitting way to acknowledge the role that I have played in the county for the past […]

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Dog Days! Gillian E Drewry

Working with Humberside Police Force has been a regular, illuminating and hugely rewarding feature of my year as High Sheriff. At the beginning it was difficult to imagine the many and diverse facets of their operations I would experience,from fast car patrols, exploring the night economy of our largest City, Hull, the work of the […]

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Clwyd News 2017/2018

March 27th March Dinner for His Honour Mr Justice Picken, Presiding Judge in Wales and His Honour Mr Justice Rowlands. I was delighted to host a dinner at home for no less than two Judges and twelve others guests and it was a very enjoyable start to the Easter break. 24th March Citizenship Ceremony at […]

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