
Buckinghamshire 2024/2025

Welcome to the home page of the Buckinghamshire High Sheriff’s website.

High Sheriff

Kurshida Mirza BEM

13 Snaith Crescent, Loughton, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK5 8HQ

High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire Press Release

Under Sheriff

Serene Taylor

High Sheriffs Chaplain

Departing from tradition, Kurshida will be supported by a Multi-Faith Chaplaincy drawn from her Islamic faith and the Christian, Jewish, Bahai, Hindu, Sikh and Buddhist faiths.  This is to further her quest to create understanding between communities and to work together for the good of humanity. Her passion for supporting and building resilient and cohesive communities is inspired by her faith:

My seven Chaplains are:

Imam Shehzad Hussain, Central Jamia Mosque (Wolverton); Family Liaison Officer, HMP Woodhill

Rev George Mwaura, URC Minister, Church of Christ the Cornerstone

Frances Gordon, Milton Keynes and District Reform Synagogue

Mr Tarsem Singh Ubhi, Ramgarhia Sabha Sikh Temple, Kiln Farm Gurdwara; Milton Keynes Sikhs

Glen O’Halloran, Milton Keynes Peace Pagoda

Roya Azordegan, Bahai Faith

Suresh Nesaratnam, Milton Keynes Murugan Temple

High Sheriffs' Cadet

I am not having cadets but working with students from the two colleges in my county:  HIGH SHERIFF COLLEGE CHAMPIONS is a new addition to enable Kurshida to work with young people drawn from Milton Keynes College and Bucks College Group to provide opportunities for them to showcase their skills.  Kurshida hopes to learn from the young people so that she can better understand the issues faced by them within the County, as well as provide an opportunity to give voice to young people to empower and nurture their development.




2023/2024 High Sheriff
Dame Ann Geraldine Limb DBE DL

2022/2023 High Sheriff
Miss D Brock DL

2021/2022 High Sheriff
G R Anson Esq

2020/2021 High Sheriff
A D Farncombe Esq

2019/2020 High Sheriff
Mrs J A Upton MBE

2018/2019 High Sheriff
Professor R S Farwell CBE DL

2017/2018 High Sheriff
P B Kara Esq

2016/2017 High Sheriff
The Hon Mrs C R Soames DL

2015/2016 High Sheriff
Mrs A F Skelton DL

2014/2015 High Sheriff
J G Barclay Esq

2013/2014 High Sheriff
Sir Stuart Hampson
High Wycombe

2012/2013 High Sheriff
Mrs A C Cumming

2011/2012 High Sheriff
J P G Naylor Esq

2010/2011 High Sheriff
The Countess Howe

2009/2010 High Sheriff
A T Westray Esq

2008/2009 High Sheriff
P J Thorogood Esq