Leicestershire 2024/2025
Welcome to the home page of the Leicestershire High Sheriff’s website.

High Sheriff
John Chatfeild-Roberts
Website: https://www.highsheriffleicestershire.com/
Although not born in the county, John Chatfeild-Roberts has lived in Leicestershire for the majority of his adult life. Having read Economics at Durham University, he served in 16th/5th The Queen’s Royal Lancers on a Short Service Commission in the 1980’s during the Cold War. Afterwards, he found his niche in fund management, the last 23 years of which (and counting) he has spent at Jupiter Asset Management in London managing, with his team, the savings of tens of thousands of individual investors within the Jupiter Merlin unit trusts. The funds have won many awards and John wrote a layman’s guide to investing, Fundology, back in 2006.
John has had numerous voluntary roles outside work including Hon Treasurer of the Royal Veterinary College, Governor of Summer Fields School, Treasurer of The Royal Lancers (Queen Elizabeths’ Own) and Chairman of Garthorpe Racecourse. He was also Chairman of the Belvoir Cricket & Countryside Trust, one of the charities of his Shrieval year.
He is currently a Trustee of Hudson’s & Storer’s Charities, who own and run the Almshouses in Melton Mowbray, a Trustee of the Nuffield Trust for the Forces of the Crown, a Court Member of the Armourers & Brasiers Livery Company, a Trustee of the National Horseracing Museum and chairs the British Sporting Art Trust.
Art and Music are two abiding interests together with the outdoor life. He is very keen to help children fulfil their potential and find their own special talents outside the very necessary STEM subjects. Hence his creation of the Inaugural ‘Sheriff’s Shindig’, a Spring Music & Performance Festival slated for March 2025 in Melton Mowbray.
John is married to the long-suffering Doone and they have two sons. They are hugely lucky to live surrounded by dogs, horses, sheep and cattle below the Vale of Belvoir escarpment. In fact on the site of what would have been a coal mine pithead proposed in the 1970’s.
Difficult to envisage now, the Vale was a glacial lake some 150 million or so years ago. As a result, it has heavy clay soil whilst there is light high grade land half a mile away at the top of the hill! Leicestershire is a microcosm of England, full of wonderful variations and a privilege to live in and serve.
Under Sheriff
Gina Samuel-richards
27 Rawson Offices, 7 The Crescent, King Street, Leicester, LE1 6RX
High Sheriff's Chaplain
The Reverend Simon Shouler MA
High Sheriffs Cadets
Philene Concepcion
2023/2024 High Sheriff
Mrs Henrietta J Chubb JP
2022/2023 High Sheriff
Ms M Duke MBE DL
2021/2022 High Sheriff
I T Mattioli Esq MBE
2020/2021 High Sheriff
Mrs A V Smith MBE
2019/2020 High Sheriff
T R Hercock Esq
2018/2019 High Sheriff
Mrs Diana Thompson
2017/2018 High Sheriff
T P Maxted Esq
2016/2017 High Sheriff
Professor Sharma
2015/2016 High Sheriff
G D Arthur
2014/2015 High Sheriff
R C G Clowes Esq
2013/2014 High Sheriff
Mrs S E Bowie
Market Harborough
2012/2013 High Sheriff
R A H Brooks Esq
2011/2012 High Sheriff
R S Sandhu Esq MBE DL FRSA
2010/2011 High Sheriff
Colonel R C J Martin OBE
Woodhouse Eaves, Loughborough
2009/2010 High Sheriff
M N B Thompson Esq
Gumley, Market Harborough