
Leicestershire 2018/2019 County News

12 April 2019 – High Sheriff’s Handover Ceremony, The Grand Hall, St Martin’s House, Leicester It was hard to believe that it was a year since taking office!  The same room, with many of the same people, was a fitting way to acknowledge the role that I have played in the county for the past […]

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Dog Days! Gillian E Drewry

Working with Humberside Police Force has been a regular, illuminating and hugely rewarding feature of my year as High Sheriff. At the beginning it was difficult to imagine the many and diverse facets of their operations I would experience,from fast car patrols, exploring the night economy of our largest City, Hull, the work of the […]

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Clwyd News 2017/2018

March 27th March Dinner for His Honour Mr Justice Picken, Presiding Judge in Wales and His Honour Mr Justice Rowlands. I was delighted to host a dinner at home for no less than two Judges and twelve others guests and it was a very enjoyable start to the Easter break. 24th March Citizenship Ceremony at […]

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South Yorkshire News 2017/2018

January – March 2018 The final three months in office as High Sheriff have included a widerange of events and meetings. Clearly the major event was my Legal Service which was held on 18 March. We woke up to a heavy overnight snowfall and wondered not only how guests would make it to the Cutlers’ […]

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Graham Barker appointed as High Sheriff of Berkshire 27th March 2018

Graham Barker was sworn in as the new High Sheriff of the Royal County of Berkshire at Reading Crown Court on 27th March 2018. The ceremony, which is rooted in ancient tradition, was presided over by Lord Hughes of Ombersley, a Justice of the Supreme Court, together with Mrs Elizabeth Harrison, Chairman of the Berkshire […]

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